Aarhus University Seal



Nils Bubandt

  1. Of Wildmen and White Men: Cryptozoology and Inappropriate/d Monsters at the Cusp of the Anthropocene”. In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Bind 25, Nr. 2, 2019 (PR) (OA) https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9655.13023 
  2. Patchy Anthropocene: Landscape Morphology, Multispecies History and the Retooling of Anthropology”. Tsing, Anna; Matthews, Andrew; Bubandt, Nils. In Current Anthropology, 2019. Accepteret/In press (PR)
  3. Patchy Anthropocene: The Frenzies and Afterlives of violent Simplifications. Special Issue of Current Anthropology, edited by Bubandt, Nils; Matthews, Andrew; Tsing, Anna. 2019.



Heather Swanson

  1. “Key Concepts Entries: Multi-Species Research.” The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Methods. (expected publication 2019) (PR) 
  2. “The Entrapment of Trap Design: Materiality, Political Economy, and the Shifting Worlds of Fixed Gear Fishing Equipment.” Special issue: “Traps: Concrete Technologies and Theoretical Interfaces.” A. Corsin Jimenez, C. Nahum-Claudel, and R. Willerslev, eds. Abstract and special issue Journal of Material Culture. (expected publication 2019) (PR)
  3. “An Unexpected Politics of Population: Salmon Counting, Science, and Advocacy in the Columbia River Basin” Wenner-Gren Symposium special issue, Current Anthropology. (expected publication 2019) (PR)
  4. “Patterns of Naturecultures: The Spatial Redistribution of Pacific Salmon” Frontier Assemblages: The Emergent Politics of Resource Frontiers in Asia, eds. J. Cons and M. Eilenberg. Antipode Book Series/Wiley. 2019 (PR)



Nathalia Brichet

  1. Brichet, N. S., & Hastrup, F. (2019). “Curating a Mild Apocalypse: Exhibiting and Researching Feral Landscapes in Denmark” . I M. V. Hansen, A. F. Henningsen, & A. Gregersen (red.), Curatorial Challenges: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Curating Routledge. (PR) 
  2. A Post-Colonial Dilemma Tale from the Harbour of St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. Itinerario: International Journal on the History of European Expansion and Global Interaction. (Accepteret/In press). (PR) 
  3. Brichet, N. S., & Hastrup, F. “In the Wake: Liveability and Colonial Ecologies around the Harbour of St Thomas”. Slagmark. . (Accepteret/In press). (PR) 
  4. Rubies Revisited. The Making of Northern Resource Frontiers: Scarcity, Abundance, Fertility and Extraction. (Accepteret/In press) (PR) 
  5. Hastrup, F., & Brichet, N. S.  “Ethnography, Exhibition Practices and Undiscipined Encounters. The Generative Work of Amulets in London”. I P. Bjerregaard (red.), Exhibitions as Research Routledge. (PR) (Accepteret/In press). 
  6. Colonial infrastructures in feral waters. Feral Atlas contribution. (PR) 


Colin Hoag

  1. "'Water Is a Gift that Destroys': Making a National Natural Resource in Lesotho." Economic Anthropology.. https://doi.org/10.1002/sea2.12149 (OA) (PR)




Anna Tsing

  1. “Feral Dynamics of Post-Industrial Ruin: An Introduction” (with Nils Bubandt), Journal of Ethnobiology 38(1): 1-7, 2018. https://bioone.org/journals/Journal-of-Ethnobiology/volume-38/issue-1/0278-0771-38.1.001/Feral-Dynamics-of-Post-Industrial-Ruin-An-Introduction/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.001.full (PR) (OA) 
  2. "An Ethnoecology for the Anthropocene: How A Former Brown-Coal Mine in Denmark Shows Us the Feral Dynamics of Post-Industrial Ruin," Journal of Ethnobiology 38(1): Online Supplement, 2018. https://bioone.org/journals/supplementalcontent/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.001/joe_38n1_bubandt_supp (PR) (OA)
  3.  “Using Natural History in The Study of Industrial Ruins” (with Elaine Gan and Daniel Sullivan), Journal of Ethnobiology 38(1): 39-54, plus online supplement, 2018. https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.039 (PR) (OA)
  4.  “Anthropologists are Talking—About Capitalism, Ecology, and Apocalypse,” (with Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers, and Nils Bubandt) Ethnos 83(3), 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844 (PR) (OA)
  5. “The New Wild,” The Clearing December 2018 https://www.littletoller.co.uk/the-clearing/the-new-wild-by-anna-tsing/ (OA)
  6.  “Getting By in Terrifying Times,” Dialogues in human geography 8(1): 73-76, Book Forum on The mushroom at the end of the world, 2018. (PR)
  7.  The Politics of the Rhizosphere,” Harvard Design Magazine, with Rosetta Elkin, No 45 (“Into the Woods”), http://www.harvarddesignmagazine.org/issues/45/the-politics-of-the-rhizosphere, 2018. (OA) (PR)
  8.  “Phytophthora Death March, And Other Heedless Slaughter,” Catalogue Trienniale Bruges Liquid City 2018; reprinted in Musterinda 2018, http://mustarinda.fi/magazine/psyche/phytophthora-death-march-and-other-heedless-slaughter (OA)


Nils Bubandt

  1. A Non-secular Anthropocene: Spirits, Specters and Other Nonhumans in a Time of Environmental Change. More-than-Human. AURA Working Papers Volume 3, 2018. N. Bubandt, ed. http://anthropocene.au.dk/fileadmin/Anthropocene/MORE_THAN_HUMAN_vol.3.pdf ISSN 2596-7282. 134 s. (PR) (OA)
  2. Bubandt, Nils; Tsing, AnnaAn Ethnoecology for the Anthropocene: How A Former Brown-Coal Mine in Denmark Shows Us the Feral Dynamics of Post-Industrial Ruin” : [Online Supplement]. in Journal of Ethnobiology, Bind 38, Nr. 1 , 2018, s. 1-13. (PR) (OA) https://bioone.org/journals/supplementalcontent/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.001/joe_38n1_bubandt_supp
  3.  Anthropocene Uncanny: Nonsecular Approaches to Environmental Change”. Aarhus , 2018. s. 2-18. In A Non-secular Anthropocene : Spirits, Specters and Other Nonhumans in a Time of Environmental Change. More-than-Human. AURA Working Papers Volume 3, 2018. N. Bubandt, ed. (PR) (OA)http://anthropocene.au.dk/fileadmin/Anthropocene/MORE_THAN_HUMAN_vol.3.pdf
  4.  Latour, Bruno; Stengers, Isabelle; Tsing, Anna; Bubandt, Nils OleAnthropologists Are Talking - About Capitalism, Ecology, Apocalypse”. In Ethnos, Bind 83, Nr. 3, 2018, s. 587-606. https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844 (PR) (OA)
  5.  Bubandt, Nils; Tsing, Anna. Feral Dynamics of Post-industrial Ruin: An Introduction. In Journal of Ethnobiology, Bind 38, Nr. 1, 2018, s. 1-7. https://bioone.org/journals/Journal-of-Ethnobiology/volume-38/issue-1/0278-0771-38.1.001/Feral-Dynamics-of-Post-Industrial-Ruin-An-Introduction/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.001.full (PR) (OA)
  6.  Seks teser om antropocæn”. In Turbulens: Forum for samtidsrefleksion, Bind Tema: Antropocæn, 2018. http://turbulens.net/seks-teser-om-antropocaen/ (OA)
  7.  Hoag, Colin Brewster; Bertoni, Filippo; Bubandt, Nils Ole. Wasteland Ecologies : Undomestication And Multispecies Gains on An Anthropocene Dumping Ground”. In Journal of Ethnobiology, Bind 38, Nr. 1, 2018, s. 88-105. https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.088. (PR) (OA)




Jens-Christian Svenning

  1. Müller, A., Bøcher, P.K., Fischer, C., Svenning, J.-C., 2018. “‘Wild’ in the city context: Do relative wild areas offer opportunities for urban biodiversity?” Landscape and Urban Planning 170, 256-265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.09.027 (PR) (OA)
  2.  Odgaard, M.V., Dalgaard, T., Bøcher, P.K., Svenning, J.-C., 2018. “Site-specific modulators control how geophysical and socio-technical drivers shape land use and land cover”. Geo: Geography and Environment 5, e00060. (PR) (OA) https://doi.org/10.1002/geo2
  3.  Root-Bernstein, M., Svenning, J.-C., 2018. ”Human paths have positive impacts on plant richness and diversity: A meta-analysis”. Ecology and evolution 8, 11111-11121. (PR) (OA) https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3


Heather Swanson

  1. H. Swanson, M. Lien, and G. Ween, eds. Domestication Gone Wild: Politics and Practices of Multispecies Relations. Duke University Press. 2018. (PR)
  2.  M. Lien and H. Swanson, “Introduction: De-centering Domestication – Exploring the Otherwise.” In When Domestication Goes Wild: Politics and Practices of Multispecies Relations, Duke University Press. 2018. (PR)
  3.  H. Swanson, Chpt 6: “Domestication Gone Wild: Disrupting the Domus.” In When Domestication Goes Wild: Politics and Practices of Multispecies Relations, Duke University Press. 2018. (PR)
  4. G. Ween and H. Swanson, Chpt 9: “How the Salmon Found its Way Home: Science, State Ownership, and the Domestication of Wild Fish.” In When Domestication Goes Wild: Politics and Practices of Multispecies Relations, Duke University Press. 2018. (PR)
  5. Landscapes, by Comparison: Practices of Enacting Salmon in Hokkaido, Japan”. In The World Multiple: The Politics of Knowing and Generating Entangled Worlds, Eds. Keiichi Omura, Grant Otsuki, Atsuro Morita, and Shiho Satsuka. Routledge. 2018. (PR)
  6.  M. Højrup and H. Swanson. “On Unstable Ground: The Shifting Landscapes of Søby Brunkulslejer, Denmark.” Article for AURA special issue of Journal of Ethnobiology. 2018. https://bioone.org/journals/Journal-of-Ethnobiology/volume-38/issue-1/0278-0771-38.1.024/The-Making-of-Unstable-Ground--The-Anthropogenic-Geologies-of/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.024.full (PR) (OA)
  7.  S. Vestbo, S. Toft, H. Swanson, J. M. Olesen, and P. Funch. “Transportation infrastructures and arthropod movements: Recent anthropogenic patterns of landscape change in northern Europe.” Article for AURA special issue of Journal of Ethnobiology. 2018. https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.055 (PR) (OA)
  8.  H. Swanson, J. Law, and M. Lien. “Modes of Naturing.” For The Sage Handbook of Nature. T. Marsden, ed. 2018. (PR)


Peter Funch

  1. Vestbo, S., Toft, S., Swanson, H. A., Olesen, J. M., & Funch, P. (2018). “Transportation Infrastructures and Arthropod Dispersal: Are Harvestmen (Opiliones) Hitchhiking to Northern Europe?”. Journal of Ethnobiology, 38(1), 55-70. https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.055 (PR) (OA)
  2.  Vestbo, S., Obst, M., Quevedo Fernandez, F. J., Intanai, I., & Funch, P. (2018). “Present and Potential Future Distributions of Asian Horseshoe Crabs Determine Areas for Conservation”. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 164. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars (PR) (OA)
  3.  Vestbo, S., Hindberg, C., Olesen, J. M., & Funch, P. (2018). “Eiders as Long Distance Connectors in Arctic Networks”. Cross-Cultural Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069397118806820 (PR) (OA)


Nathalia Brichet

  1. Brichet, N. S., & Hastrup, F. (2018). “Industrious Landscaping. The Making and Managing of Natural Resources at Søby Brown Coal Beds”. Journal of Ethnobiology38(1), 8-23. https://bioone.org/journals/Journal-of-Ethnobiology/volume-38/issue-1/0278-0771-38.1.008/Industrious-Landscaping--The-Making-and-Managing-of-Natural-Resources/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.008.full (PR) (OA)
  2.  “Permanent exhibitions. Luomus, Natural History Museum of Helsinki, Finland”. Nordisk Museologi2-3, 161-167. (PR)
  3.  “Timely Rubies. Temporality and Greenlandic gems”. Extractive Industries and Society5, 267. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2018.03.001 (PR) (OA)
  4. An Anthropology of Common Ground. Awkward Encounters in Heritage Work, Mattering Press, 2018. http://doi.org/10.28938/9780995527799 (PR) (OA)


Alder Saxena Keleman

  1. Saxena, Alder Keleman, Deepti Chatti, Katy Overstreet, and Michael R. Dove. “From moral ecology to diverse ontologies: relational values in human ecological research, past and present.” Current opinion in environmental sustainability 35:54-60. 2018. (PR) (OA) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2018.10.021


Stine Vestbo

  1. Vestbo, S., Toft, S., Swanson, H. A., Olesen, J. M., & Funch, P. (2018). “Transportation Infrastructures and Arthropod Dispersal: Are Harvestmen (Opiliones) Hitchhiking to Northern Europe?”. Journal of Ethnobiology, 38(1), 55-70. https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.055 (PR) (OA)
  2.  Vestbo, S., Obst, M., Quevedo Fernandez, F. J., Intanai, I., & Funch, P. (2018). “Present and Potential Future Distributions of Asian Horseshoe Crabs Determine Areas for Conservation”. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 164. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars (PR) (OA)
  3.  Vestbo, S., Hindberg, C., Olesen, J. M., & Funch, P. (2018). “Eiders as Long Distance Connectors in Arctic Networks”. Cross-Cultural Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069397118806820 (PR) (OA)

Pierre du Plessis

  1. Sur la Piste Des Truffles du Désert du Kalahari” in Billebaude numéro 12, Cueillir, mai 2018, co-édition Fondation François Sommer (musée de la Chasse et de la Nature) et Glénat. (PR)
  2.  Book review of Hartigan, John, Jr. 2017. “Care of the Species: Races of Corn and the Science of Plant”.  Biodiversity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. In The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 36 (2).  2018. https://doi.org/10.3167/cja.2018.360211 (PR) (OA)
  3.  PhD thesis: "Gathering the Kalahari: Tracking Landscapes in motion". Aarhus University, 2018. (PR)


Katy Overstreet

  1. “How to Taste Like a Cow: Cultivating Shared Sense in Wisconsin Dairy Worlds.” In Carole Counihan and Susanne Højlund (eds) Making Taste Public: Ethnographies of Food and the Senses. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 2018. (PR)
  2.  Saxena, Alder Keleman, Deepti Chatti, Katy Overstreet, and Michael R. Dove. “From moral ecology to diverse ontologies: relational values in human ecological research, past and present.” Current opinion in environmental sustainability 35:54-60. 2018. (PR) (OA) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2018.10.021
  3.  PhD thesis "A Well-Cared for Cow Produces More Milk. The Biotechnics of (Dis)Assembling Cow Bodies in Wisconsin Dairy Worlds". Aarhus University, 2018. (PR)
  4.  “A Plantation Inside the Cow: Capitalist Indigestions and the Rumen Microbial Universe” in Engagement. A blog published by the Anthropology and Environment Society, a section of the American Anthropological Association. https://aesengagement.wordpress.com/2019/03/05/a-plantation-inside-the-cow-capitalist-indigestions-and-the-rumen-microbial-universe/?fbclid=IwAR3o4W0iGbZQ7WpWYZJLRJSzlKFyhp2mOliTi6DrujnHDaHrNS6xbUcBsO (OA)


Natalie Forssman

  1. Forssman, N., & Root-Bernstein, M. 2018. Landscapes of anticipation of the other: Ethno-ethology in a deer hunting landscape.  (For the Special Issue “Feral Dynamics of Post-industrial Landscapes” edited by A. Tsing and N. Bubandt) Journal of Ethnobiology 38(1), 71-87. https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.071  (PR) (OA)


Line Marie Thorsen

  1. Thorsen, Line Marie; Jensen, Casper BruunReclaiming Imagination : Speculative SF as an Art of Consequences: An Interview with Isabelle Stengers”. In NatureCulture, 12.2018. (PR) (OA) https://www.natcult.net/interviews/reclaiming-imagination-speculative-sf-as-an-art-of-consequences/
  2.  Itadori and the Aesthetics of a Common Weed” / イタドリとありふれた雑草の美学.  Moving Plants : 渡邊耕一展. red. / Kenichiro Ito; Komichi Kanno. Tokyo, Japan : Shiseido Co. Ltd., 2018. s. 6-13.
  3.  Tre døde krager og andre naturting : Delvise forbindelser i John Olsens tidlige tegninger”. Aftryk af liv: John Olsen. red. / Rasmus Kjærboe. Ribe Kunstmuseum, 2018. s. 63-96.
  4.  Anthropocæn banalitet”. In Turbulens: Forum for samtidsrefleksion, Bind Tema: Antropocæn, 2018. http://turbulens.net/antropocaen-banalitet/ (OA)


Colin Hoag

  1. Hoag, Colin, Filippo Bertoni, and Nils Bubandt. 2018. “Wasteland Ecologies: Undomestication and Multispecies Gains on an Anthropocene Dumping Ground.” Journal of Ethnobiology 38 (1): 88–104. https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.088. (PR) (OA)
  2.  “The Ovicaprine Mystique: Livestock Commodification in Postindustrial Lesotho.” American Anthropologist 120 (4): 725–37, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1111/aman.13119. (PR) (OA)


Meredith Root-Bernstein

  1. Forssman, N., & Root-Bernstein, M. 2018. “Landscapes of anticipation of the other: Ethno-ethology in a deer hunting landscape”.  (For the Special Issue “Feral Dynamics of Post-industrial Landscapes” edited by A. Tsing and N. Bubandt) Journal of Ethnobiology 38(1), 71-87. https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-38.1.071 (PR) (OA)
  2.  Root-Bernstein, M. 2018. Rewilding. Oxford Bibliographies.  (PR)
  3.  Root-Bernstein, M, Gooden, J., Boyes, A. 2018.  “Rewilding in practice and in policy”. Geoforum 97, 292-304. (PR) (OA) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.09.017
  4.  Root-Bernstein, M., & Svenning, J.-C. 2018. ”Human paths have positive impacts on plant richness and diversity: A meta-analysis”. Ecology and Evolution 8(22), 11111-11121. (PR) (OA) https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3


Anna Tsing


  1. "How Things Hold. / Gan, Elaine; Tsing, Anna. "Elusive Anthropology, Matsutake Worlds Research Group". 2017.
  2. How Weeds Are Made. / Gan, Elaine; Tsing, Anna. Special issue for AURA research on Søby Brunkulslejerne. 2017.

  3.  Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet (edited with Heather Swanson, Elaine Gan, and Nils Bubandt), 2017. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (PR)

  4. Released in paperback, audiobook, and in translation in French, German, and Russian: The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (originally 2015). (PR)

  5. “The Buck, the Bull, and the Dream of the Stag: Some unexpected weeds of the Anthropocene,” Suomen Antropologi 42(1): 3-21, 2017. (PR)

  6. “A Threat to Holocene Resurgence is a Threat to Livability,” In Marc Brightman and Jerome Lewis, eds. The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress, pp. 51-65, London: Palgrave, 2017. (PR)

  7. “Is there a progress politics after progress?” Cultural Anthropology roundtable on The mushroom at the end of the world. (PR) (OA) https://culanth.org/fieldsights/1133-is-there-a-progressive-politics-after-progress June 2017

  8. “Anna Tsing on landscapes and the Anthropocene,” Cultural Anthropology podcast, (PR)  (OA) https://culanth.org/fieldsights/908-anna-tsing-on-landscapes-and-the-anthropocene posted in 2017



Nils Bubandt

  1. A World in a Grain of Sand : A Conversation between Nils Bubandt and Nanna Debois Buhl. / Bubandt, Nils; Buhl, Nanna Debois. intervals and forms of stones and stars. red. / Nanna Debois Buhl. Milan, Italy : Humboldt Books, 2017. s. 42-49.
  2. Anthropologists Are Talking ... About Capitalism and Ecological Futures. / Latour, Bruno; Stengers, Isabelle; Tsing, Anna; Bubandt, Nils Ole. I: Ethnos, 2017.

  3. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet : Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene. / Tsing, Anna; Swanson, Heather Anne; Gan, Elaine; Bubandt, Nils Ole. University of Minnesota Press, 2017.

  4. Bodies Tumbled into Bodies. / Swanson, Heather Anne; Tsing, Anna; Bubandt, Nils Ole; Gan, Elaine. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. red. / anna tsing; heather swanson; elaine gan; nils bubandt. University of Minnesota Press, 2017. s. M1-M12.

  5. From Head-hunter to Organ-thief: Verisimilitude, Doubt and Plausible Worlds in Indonesia and Beyond. / Bubandt, Nils Ole. I: Oceania, Vol. 87, Nr. 1, 2017, s. 38-57.

  6. Haunted Geologies: Spirits, Stones, and the Necropolitics of the Anthropocene. / Bubandt, Nils Ole. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. red. / Tsing Anna; Heather Swanson; Elaine Gan; Nils Bubandt. University of Minnesota Press, 2017. s. G121-G141.

  7. Haunted Landscapes of the Anthropocene. / Gan, Elaine; Tsing, Anna; Swanson, Heather Anne; Bubandt, Nils Ole. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. red. / heather swanson; nils bubandt; anna tsing; elaine gan. University of Minnesota Press, 2017. s. G1-G14.

  8. Wasteland ecologies : Undomestication and multispecies gains on an Anthropocene dumping ground. / Hoag, Colin Brewster; Bertoni, Filippo; Bubandt, Nils Ole. I: Journal of Ethnobiology, 2017. 


Jens-Christian Svenning


  1. Biogeographical, environmental and anthropogenic determinants of global patterns in bird taxonomic and trait turnover. / Barnagaud, Jean-Yves; Kissling, W. Daniel; Tsirogiannis, Constantinos; Fisikopoulos, Vissarion; Villeger, Sebastien; Sekercioglu, Cagan H.; Svenning, Jens-Christian. I: Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol. 26, Nr. 10, 10.2017, s. 1190-1200.
  2. Alien plant invasions in European woodlands. / Wagner, Viktoria; Chytry, Milan; Jimenez-Alfaro, Borja; Pergl, Jan; Hennekens, Stephan; Biurrun, Idoia; Knollova, Ilona; Berg, Christian; Vassilev, Kiril; Rodwell, John S.; Skvorc, Zeljko; Jandt, Ute; Ewald, Joerg; Jansen, Florian; Tsiripidis, Ioannis; Botta-Dukat, Zoltan; Casella, Laura; Attorre, Fabio; Rasomavicius, Valerijus; Custerevska, Renata; Schaminee, Joop H. J.; Brunet, Jorg; Lenoir, Jonathan; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Kacki, Zygmunt; Petrasova-Sibikova, Maria; Silc, Urban; Garcia-Mijangos, Itziar; Antonio Campos, Juan; Fernandez-Gonzalez, Federico; Wohlgemuth, Thomas; Onyshchenko, Viktor; Pysek, Petr. I: Diversity and Distributions, Vol. 23, Nr. 9, 09.2017, s. 969-981.

  3.  Less favourable climates constrain demographic strategies in plants. / Csergo, Anna M.; Salguero-Gomez, Roberto; Broennimann, Olivier; Coutts, Shaun R.; Guisan, Antoine; Angert, Amy L.; Welk, Erik; Stott, Iain; Enquist, Brian J.; McGill, Brian; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Violle, Cyrille; Buckley, Yvonne M. I: Ecology Letters, Vol. 20, Nr. 8, 08.2017, s. 969-980.

  4. Recent tree cover increases in eastern China linked to low, declining human pressure, steep topography, and climatic conditions favoring tree growth. / Nuchel, Jonas; Svenning, Jens-Christian. I: P L o S One, Vol. 12, Nr. 6, 0177552, 07.06.2017.
  5. Historical anthropogenic footprints in the distribution of threatened plants in China. / Feng, Gang; Mao, Lingfeng; Benito, Blas M.; Swenson, Nathan G.; Svenning, Jens Christian. I: Biological Conservation, Vol. 210, Nr. Part B, 01.06.2017, s. 3-8.
  6. Rewilding-inspired transhumance for the restoration of semiarid silvopastoral systems in Chile. / Root-Bernstein, Meredith; Guerrero-Gatica, Matías; Piña, Luis; Bonacic, Cristián; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Jaksic, Fabian M. I: Regional Environmental Change, Vol. 17, Nr. 5, 06.2017, s. 1381-1396.
  7. Large herbivores in novel ecosystems - Habitat selection by red deer (Cervus elaphus) in a former brown-coal mining area. / Müller, Anke; Dahm, Maria; Bøcher, Peder Klith; Root-Bernstein, Meredith; Svenning, Jens Christian. I: P L o S One, Vol. 12, Nr. 5, e0177431, 01.05.2017.
  8. A multi-criteria, ecosystem-service value method used to assess catchment suitability for potential wetland reconstruction in Denmark. / Odgaard, Mette Vestergaard; Turner, Katrine Grace; Bøcher, Peder Klith; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Dalgaard, Tommy. I: Ecological Indicators, Vol. 77, 2017, s. 151-165.
  9. Extinction risk of North American seed plants elevated by climate and land-use change. / Zhang, Jian; Nielsen, Scott E.; Chen, Youhua; Georges, Damien; Qin, Yuchu; Wang, Si Shuo; Svenning, Jens Christian; Thuiller, Wilfried. I: Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol. 54, 2017, s. 303-312.


 Peter Funch

  1. Synchronies at Risk: The intertwined lives of horseshoe crabs and red knot birds. / Funch, Peter. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. red. / Anna Tsing; Heather Anne Swanson; Elaine Gan; Nils Ole Bubandt. University of Minnesota Press, 2017.


Heather Swanson


  1. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet : Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene. / Tsing, Anna; Swanson, Heather Anne; Gan, Elaine; Bubandt, Nils Ole. University of Minnesota Press, 2017.
  2. Bodies Tumbled into Bodies. / Swanson, Heather Anne; Tsing, Anna; Bubandt, Nils Ole; Gan, Elaine. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. red. / anna tsing; heather swanson; elaine gan; nils bubandt. University of Minnesota Press, 2017. s. M1-M12.

  3. Caught in Comparisons: Japanese salmon in an uneven world. / Swanson, Heather Anne.

  4. Domestication Gone Wild: Disrupting the Domus. / Swanson, Heather Anne. Decentering Domestication. red. / Heather Swanson; Marianne Lien; Gro Ween. 2017.

  5. Haunted Landscapes of the Anthropocene. / Gan, Elaine; Tsing, Anna; Swanson, Heather Anne; Bubandt, Nils Ole. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. red. / heather swanson; nils bubandt; anna tsing; elaine gan. University of Minnesota Press, 2017. s. G1-G14.

  6. How the Salmon Found its Way Home: Science, State Ownership, and the Domestication of Wild Fish. / Swanson, Heather Anne; Ween, Gro. Decentering Domestication. red. / heather swanson; Gro Ween; Marianne Lien. 2017.

  7. Introduction: De-centering Domestication - Exploring the Otherwise. / Swanson, Heather Anne; Lien, Marianne. Decentering Domestication. red. / Heather Swanson; Marianne Lien; Gro Ween. Duke University press, 2017.

  8. Methods for multispecies anthropology: Analysis of salmon otoliths and scales. / Swanson, Heather Anne. I: Social Analysis, 2017.

  9. Modes of Naturing. / Swanson, Heather Anne; Lien, Marianne; Law, John. Sage Handbook of Nature. red. / Terry Marsden . 2017.


Nathalia Brichet


  1. A Post-Colonial Dilemma Tale from the Harbour of St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie I: Itinerario, 2017.
  2. Curating a Mild Apocalypse : Exhibiting and Researching Feral Landscapes in Denmark. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Hastrup, Frida. Curatorial Challenges. Routledge, 2017.

  3. Ethnography, Exhibition Practices and Undisciplined Encounters. The Generative Work of Amulets in London. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Hastrup, Frida. Exhibitions as Research. . red. / Peter Bjerregaard. Routledge, 2017.

  4. Genopbygning af en tidligere dansk plantage i Ghana. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie. Danmarks slaver. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2017.

  5. I kølvandet : Levedygtighed og koloniale økologier ved havnen på St. Thomas. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Hastrup, Frida. I: Slagmark, Vol. 75, 2017.

  6. I Transit : Danske spor i havnen på St. Thomas , US. Virgin Islands. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie. M/S Museet for Søfarts Årbog. 2017.

  7. Industrious Landscaping : The Making and Managing of Natural Resources at Søby Brown Coal Beds. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Hastrup, Frida. I: Journal of Ethnobiology, 2017.

  8. Mild Apocalypse : Feral Landscapes in Denmark: Reflections on an Exhibition. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Hastrup, Frida; Riede, Felix. 20 februar 2017.

  9. Rubies Revisited. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie. The Making of Northern Resource Frontiers: Scarcity, Abundance, Fertility and Extraction. 2017.

  10. Timing Rubies : How temporality shape Greenlandic rubies. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie. I: The Extractive Industries and Society, 2017.

  11. VESTINDIEN REVISITED - i kølvandet på kuldampere og cruiseturister. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Ørstedholm, Marie; Nørgård, Camilla (Illustrator)

  12. Vestindien Revisited: I kølvandet på kuldampere og cruiseturister : U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS REVISITED - in the wake of steamers and cruise tourists. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Hastrup, Frida; Ørstedholm, Maroe ; Nørgård, Camilla.


Colin Hoag

  1. "African Environmental Change from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene." With J.-C. Svenning. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 42 (2017): 27-54.


Elaine Gan


  1. An Unintended Race: Miracle Rice and the Green Revolution. / Gan, Elaine. I: Journal of Environmental Philosophy, 2017.
  2. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet : Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene. / Tsing, Anna; Swanson, Heather Anne; Gan, Elaine; Bubandt, Nils Ole. University of Minnesota Press, 2017.

  3. Bodies Tumbled into Bodies. / Swanson, Heather Anne; Tsing, Anna; Bubandt, Nils Ole; Gan, Elaine. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. red. / anna tsing; heather swanson; elaine gan; nils bubandt. University of Minnesota Press, 2017. s. M1-M12.

  4. "Doomsday Seeds: Timing Rice in the Anthropocene,". / Gan, Elaine. "Timing Transformations" . red. / manuela Rossini; Michael Toggweiller. 2017.

  5. "Haunted Landscapes of the Anthropocene.". / Gan, Elaine. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Stories from the Anthropocene. red. / Anna Tsing; Heather Swanson; Elaine Gan; Nils Bubandt. 2017. s. M1-M15.

  6. Haunted Landscapes of the Anthropocene. / Gan, Elaine; Tsing, Anna; Swanson, Heather Anne; Bubandt, Nils Ole. Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. red. / heather swanson; nils bubandt; anna tsing; elaine gan. University of Minnesota Press, 2017. s. G1-G14.

  7. "How Things Hold,". / Gan, Elaine; Tsing, Anna. "Elusive Anthropology, Matsutake Worlds Research Group". 2017.

  8. How Weeds Are Made,". / Gan, Elaine; Tsing, Anna special issue for AURA research on Søby Brunkulslejerne. 2017.


Anna Tsing

  1. “Forum response: the new nature,” Boston Review, January 11, 2016, https://bostonreview.net/forum/new-nature/anna-tsing-anna-tsing-response-new-nature.

  2. The mushroom at the end of the world : On The Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. / Tsing, Anna.

  3. Alegoría agraria y futuros globales. / Tsing, Anna. I: Revista Colombiana de Antropologia, Vol. 52, Nr. 1, 2016, s. 289-346.

  4. Anthropologists Are Talking - About the Anthropocene. / Haraway, Donna; Ishikawa, Noboru; Gilbert, Scott; Olwig, Kenneth; Tsing, Anna; Bubandt, Nils Ole. I: Ethnos, Vol. 81, Nr. 3, 2016, s. 535-564.

  5. Earth stalked by Man. / Tsing, Anna. I: Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, Vol. 34, Nr. 1, 2016, s. 2-16.

  6. GOLDEN SNAIL OPERA : The more-than-human-performance of friendly farming on Taiwan’s Lanyang Plain. / Tsai, Yen-ling ; Caronelle, Isabelle ; Chevrier, Joelle ; Tsing, Anna. I: Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 31, Nr. 4, 2016, s. 520-544.

  7. Indigeneity as a Cultural Resource in and Beyond Indonesia. / Tsing, Anna. Cultural Resources. red. / Jeremy Eades; Shiji Yamashita. 2016.

Nils Bubandt

  1. ”Dyrevelfærdsstaten: Grisens krop, velfærdens historie og selve livets politik i Danmark”.  Bubandt, Nils Ole; Anneberg, Inger: Tidsskriftet Antropologi, 2016. (PR)

  2. Less Than One But More Than Many: Anthropocene as Science Fiction and Scholarship-in-the-Making by Anna Tsing, Nils Bubandt and Heather Swanson: Ethnos, 2016 (PR).  http://berghahn.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/berghahn/ares/2015/00000006/00000001/art00009;jsessionid=1413pmdsmk4g4.alice

  3. From Head-hunter to Organ-thief: Verisimilitude, Doubt and Plausible Worlds in Indonesia and Beyond: Oceania.  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ocea.5136/abstract;jsessionid=F9DF52316BEDFE2351BE2568BE52D622.f04t04

 Jens-Christian Svenning

  1. "Science for a wilder Anthropocene : Synthesis and future directions for trophic rewilding research" by Pedersen, Pil Birkefeldt Møller; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Sandel, Brody Steven; Ejrnæs, Rasmus. in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), 2016. http://www.pnas.org/content/113/4/898 (PR)

Peter Funch

  1. "Synchronies at Risk: The intertwined lives of horseshoe crabs and red knot birds" in Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Stories from the Anthropocene by Anna Tsing, Nils Ole Bubandt, Elaine Gan, Heather Anne Swanson (eds), Island Press. 2016. (in press)

Heather Swanson

  1. "Down to Earth: Geosocialities and Geopolitics" by Palsson, Gisli and Swanson, Heather Anne. in Environmental Humanities, 2016. (PR)

  2. "Domestication Gone Wild: Disrupting the Domus "in Decentering Domestication by Heather Swanson; Marianne Lien; Gro Ween (eds). 2016 (PR)

  3. "Anthropocene as Political Geology: Current Debates over how to tell Time" in Science as Culture, 2016. (PR)

Meredith Root-Bernstein

  1. "Personal reflections on natural history as common ground for interdisciplinary multispecies socio-ecological research" Geo: Geography and Environment, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-June 2016, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/geo2.15/abstract (PR)
  2. "Prospects for rewilding with camelids". Root-Bernstein, Meredith and Svenning, Jens-Christian in Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 130, 2016, s. 54-61 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140196316300374  (PR)

  3. "Environmentalism in the crosshairs: perspectives on migratory bird hunting and poaching conflicts in Italy" by Barca, B., Lindon, A., & Root-Bernstein, M. 2016 in GECCO. 6, 189-207, 2016.


 Filippo Bertoni

  1. Living with Worms: on the earthly togetherness of eating. PhD thesis. Universiteit van Amsterdam. http://www.academia.edu/23231825/Living_with_worms_on_the_earthly_togetherness_of_eating



Anna Tsing:

  1.  The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2015. (PR)
  2. “Anthropologists are talking—about the Anthropocene,” with Donna Haraway, Noboru Ishikawa, Scott Gilbert, Kenneth Olwig, and Nils Bubandt, Ethnos, 1-30, 2015 DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2015.1105838. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00141844.2015.1105838 (PR) (OA)
  3. Writing and rhythm: call and response with Anna Tsing and Paulla Ebron” (with Paulla Ebron), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 21(3): 683-687, 2015. 
  4.  “In the midst of disturbance: symbiosis, coordination, history, landscape,” Association of Social Anthropologists, Raymond Firth lectures, (OA)   http://www.theasa.org/downloads/publications/firth/firth15.pdf
  5. “Margens indomáveis: cogumelos como espécies companheiras,” (Unruly edges: mushrooms as companion species) translated by Thiago Cardoso, ILHA: Revista de Antropolgia 17(1):177-201, 2015. (PR) 
  6. “The cultural production of skylore in Indonesia,” with Gene Amarell, In Clive Ruggles, ed. Handbook of Archaeastronomy and Ethnoastronomy.  Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 2207-2214, 2015. (PR)

 Nils Bubandt:

  1. ”Joint Statement”. Liisberg, Sune; Bubandt, Nils Ole.  In Anthropology and Philosophy: Dialogues on Trust and Hope. red. / Sune Liisberg; Esther Oluffa Pedersen; Anne Line Dalsgård. Berghahn Books, 2015. s. 139-140 (Anthropology & ..., Vol. 4). (PR)
  2. Psychologising the Afterlife: Ghosts and Regimes of the Self in Indonesia and in Global Media”.  In Between Magic and Rationality: On the Limits of Reason in the Modern World. red. / Vibeke Steffen; Steffen Jöncke; Kirsten Marie Raahauge. Museum Tusculanum, 2015. s. 199-233 (Critical Anthropology, Vol. 4). (PR)
  3. ”The Dark Side of Empathy: Mimesis, Deception, and the Magic of Alterity”. Bubandt, Nils Ole; Willerslev, Rane. In: Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 57, Nr. 1, 2015, s. 5-34. (PR)
  4. ”Trust in an Age of Inauthenticity: Power and Indonesian Modernity”. In  Anthropology and Philosophy: Dialogues on Trust and Hope. red. / Sune Lisbjerg; Esther Oluffa; Anne Line Dalsgaard. Berghahn Books, 2015. s. 141-157 (Anthropology & ..., Vol. 4). (PR)

Jens-Christian Svenning:

  1. ”Where are the wilder parts of anthropogenic landscapes? A mapping case study for Denmark”. Müller, Anke; Bøcher, Peder Klith; Svenning, Jens-Christian. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 144, Nr. Dec., 2015, s. 90-102: (PR) (OA) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169204615001875
  2. ”A geographic assessment of the global scope for rewilding with wild-living horses (Equus ferus). Naundrup, Pernille; Svenning, Jens-Christian. P L o S One, Vol. 10, Nr. 7, e0132359, 07.2015. (PR) (OA) http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0132359
  3. "Strong upslope shifts in Chimborazo’s vegetation over two centuries since Humboldt" Naia Morueta-Holmea, Kristine Engemanna, Pablo Sandoval-Acuñac, Jeremy D. Jonasd, R. Max Segnitzf, Jens-Christian Svenning. 2015. National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, Vol. 112, Nr. 41, 13.10.2015, s. 12741-12745. (PNAS) doi:10.1073/pnas.1509938112. http://www.pnas.org/content/112/41/12741

Peter Funch/Stine Vestbo:

  1. ”Eiders as long distance connectors in Arctic networks”. Vestbo, Stine; Hindberg, Claus; Olesen, Jens Mogens; Funch, Peter. Abstract from Forging of cultures in the Circumpolar North - a comparative perspective, Aarhus, Danmark. 
  2. ”Present and future distributions of horseshoe crabs under predicted climate changes”. Funch, Peter; Obst, Matthias; Quevedo, Francisco; Intanai, Itsara; Vestbo, Stine. Abstract from The Third International Workshop on the Science and Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs, Nagasaki, Japan.

Meredith Root-Bernstein

  1. ”Phoenix flagships : Conservation values and guanaco reintroduction in an anthropogenic landscape” Lindon, Adrien; Root-Bernstein, Meredith. I: Ambio, Vol. 44, Nr. 5, 2015, s. 458-471. (PR)  (OA) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13280-014-0608-6 
  2. ”Ecosystem process interactions between central Chilean habitats”. Root-Bernstein, Meredith; Jaksic, Fabián M. I: Global Ecology and Conservation, Vol. 3, 01.01.2015, s. 776-788 (PR) (OA) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989415000438

Heather Swanson:

  1. “Shadow ecologies of conservation: Co-production of salmon landscapes in Hokkaido, Japan, and southern Chile.” Geoforum, vol. 61 (May 2015): 101-110. (PR) (OA) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016718515000548 
  2. “Who is in the room?: The importance of multidisciplinary spaces for anthropology and STS.” Part of a “Forum” collection, “Anthropology and STS: Generative Interfaces – Multiple Locations,” edited by Marianne Elisabeth Lien and Marisol de la Cadena. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2015, p. 445-448. . (PR) 
  3. “Placing a Golden Spike at the Golden Spike: Railroads in the Making of the Anthropocene.” In Placing the Golden Spike: Landscapes of the Anthropocene, edited by Dehlia Hannah, p. 102-111. Essay in edited volume tied to exhibit at INOVA: Institute of Visual Arts at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. . (PR) 
  4. “Landscapes, by Comparison: Practices of Enacting Salmon in Hokkaido, Japan.” More than Human: AURA Working Papers, Volume 1: 22-42. http://anthropocene.au.dk/more-than-human-aura-working-papers/ (OA)


Nathalia Brichet

  1. Grønlandsk Guld : Fra geologisk drama til industrielt eventyr. København : Nationalmuseet. 
  2. Jordboere i ruinlandskaber : Muligheder i en antropocæn æra. / Hastrup, Frida; Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Mangaard, Mai. Sundholmssamlingen. red. / Camilla Nørgård. Fabrikkens Forlag, 2015.
  3. Sensationelle trivialiteter – Museer i vores eksotiske verden. / Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Hastrup, Frida. Det Etnografiske Museum. Holdninger og Udfordringer. 2015. . (PR)
  4. Terrestrials in Ruined Landscapes : Potentials in an Anthropocene Era. / Hastrup, Frida; Brichet, Nathalia Sofie; Mangaard, Mai. The Sundholm Collection. red. / Camilla Nørgård. Fabrikkens Forlag, 2015.

Elaine Gan

  1. ”Mapping Rice / Mapping Time”.  In World of Matter. Sternberg Press, 2015. s. 150-160.  (PR) (OA)   http://elainegan.com/files/ganElaine-riceChild-wom.pdf
  2. ”The World is Dead. Long Live the World”.  Social Text website, socialtextjournal.org. (OA) / http://socialtextjournal.org/periscope_article/the-world-is-dead-long-live-the-world/
  3. Dump! Multispecies Making and Unmaking : 27.06.15 - 20.09.15 / curated by Elaine Gan, Steven Lam and Sarah Lookofsky. Århus : Kunsthal Aarhus, 2015.

Joint AURA publication

  1. “Less Than One But More Than Many: Anthropocene as Science Fiction and Scholarship-in-the-Making”. Swanson, Heather Anne; Bubandt, Nils Ole; Tsing, Anna: Environment and Society, Vol. 6, Nr. 1, 2015, s. 149-166. (PR) (OA) http://www.envirosociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/s9_ares060109.pdf

Popular science publications 2015

Anna Tsing

 “Man kan inte tänka isär naturen och samhället [One cannot think nature and society apart],” Dagens Nyheter, November 9, 2015, http://www.dn.se/kultur-noje/man-kan-inte-tanka-isar-naturen-och-samhallet/ (with Marianne Lien)

“Salvage accumulation, or the structural generativity of capitalism,” In Generating Capitalism, Laura Bear, Karen Ho, Anna Tsing, and Sylvia Yanagisako, eds. Cultural AnthropologyOnline, http://www.culanth.org/fieldsights/650-generating-capitalism, 2015.

“Gens: a feminist manifesto for the study of capitalism,” In Generating Capitalism, Laura Bear, Karen Ho, Anna Tsing, and Sylvia Yanagisako, eds. Cultural AnthropologyOnline, http://www.culanth.org/fieldsights/650-generating-capitalism, 2015.

“On globalization and ‘living in ruins’,” Interview with Özlem Aslan, Ayça Günaydin, Burcu Tokat,  Feminist Yaklasimlar [Feminist Approaches in Culture and Politics], Issue 24, October 2014, http://www.feministyaklasimlar.org/en/issue-24-october-2014/on-globalization-and-living-in-ruins-an-interview-with-anna-tsing/

Nils Bubandt

Naturen er død: Jorden er på vej ind i en ny tidsalder http://nyheder.tv2.dk/samfund/2015-01-30-naturen-er-doed-jorden-er-paa-vej-ind-i-en-ny-tidsalder

Natursyn: Den fortryllede gris: http://www.dr.dk/radio/ondemand/p1/natursyn-80#!/

TV: Sådan bliver den nye tidsalder http://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/samfund/tv-saadan-bliver-den-nye-tidsalder/5421639

AU Newsroom: Tema: Biodiversitet: http://newsroom.au.dk/temaer/tema-biodiversitet/

Jyllandsposten: Mennesket overtager Jordens natur, 29.01.2015


Jens-Christian Svenning:

 Vilde heste kan være på vej til Danmark, Videnskab.dk, 6.8, 2015: http://videnskab.dk/miljo-naturvidenskab/vilde-heste-kan-vaere-pa-vej-til-danmark

DR Viden: Slip hestene fri – og genopret naturen, DR.dk, 1.8.2015: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/miljoe/grafik-slip-hestene-fri-og-genopret-naturen

BBC earth: The lost beasts that roamed Britain during the ice age, BBC.com, 22.7.2015: http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150722-lost-beasts-of-the-ice-age

P1 Eftermiddag: Rewilding, DR P1, 04.02.2015: http://www.dr.dk/p1/p1-eftermiddag/p1-eftermiddag-88

Nature World News: Climate Change and Tropical Mountains: Vegetation Migrates Upslope http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/16697/20150916/climate-change-tropical-mountains-vegetation-migrates-upslope.htm

DR Viden: Global opvarmning giver tropiske planter ny adresse: http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/miljoe/global-opvarmning-giver-tropiske-planter-ny-adresse


 Anna Tsing:

  1. Strathern beyond the human: testimony of a spore, Theory, Culture, and Society  31 (March/May): 221-241, (PR) http://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84894557508&origin=inward&txGid=0
  2. “Blasted landscapes and the gentle arts of mushroom picking” in The Multispecies Salon. Kirksey,E. ed. Duke University Press, 2014. (PR) 
  3. “How do supply chains make value?” in Cash on the table. Fisher, E. ed. School of American Research Press, 2014. (PR) 
  4. “Indigeneity as a Cultural Resource in and Beyond Indonesia” in Cultural Resources. Eades, J., Yamashita Shiji. ed. (PR) 
  5. “Profits of diversity” in Cash on the table. Fisher, E. ed. School of American Research Press, 2014. (PR) 
  6. “The cultural production of skylore in Indonesia” Amarell, G., Tsing, A. in Handbook of Archaeastronomy and Ethnoastronomy. Blago, S. ed. Springer Verlag. Synthese Library, 2014. (PR) 


Nils Bubandt:

  1. Democracy, Corruption and the Politics of Spirits in Contemporary Indonesia. Routledge, 162 p. (The Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia). (PR) 
  2. The Empty Seashell: Witchcraft and Doubt on an Indonesian Island. Cornell University Press, 320 p. (PR) 
  3. Hverdagens mysterier: refleksioner over ting vi kender men ikke forstår. Bubandt, N., Dalsgård, A. L., Johnsen, U. H. og Selmer, Bodil. ed. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2014. p. 278 p. (Antropologiske Studier; No. 2). (PR) 
  4. ”En guldmønt: Penge, guld og andre mysterier i Indonesien og i verden” In Hverdagens mysterier: refleksioner over ting vi kender men ikke forstår. Bubandt, N., Dalsgård, A. L., Johnsen, U. H. og Selmer, Bodil. ed. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2014. p. 142-160 (Antropologiske Studier; No. 2). (PR) 
  5. “When Trauma Came to Halmahera: Global Governance, Emotion Work, and the Reinvention of Spirits in North Maluku” in Feelings at the Margins: Dealing with Violence, Stigma, and Isolation in Indonesia. Stodulka, T., Röttger-Rössler, B. ed. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag GmbH, 2014. p. 81-102 (Anthropological Perspectives on Emotions). (PR) 
  6. An Embarrassment of Spirits: Spirits, Hauntology and Democracy in Indonesia. In: Paideuma, Vol. 60, 2014, p. 115-138. (PR) 


Jens-Christian Svenning:

  1.  Anthropogenic disturbance shapes phylogenetic and functional tree community structure in a subtropical forest area via successional dynamics. Feng, G., Svenning, J.-C., Jia, Q., Rao, M., Ren, H., Bebber, D.P. & Mi, X. 2014. Forest Ecology and Management 313:188-198. (PR) (OA)  http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0378112713007342/1-s2.0-S0378112713007342-main.pdf?_tid=1caf81ca-b4c6-11e3-856e-00000aacb360&acdnat=1395825053_391ae0f860128dba96fcc6575f3d3e25 
  2. Global distribution and drivers of language extinction risk. Amano, T., Sandel, B., Eager, H., Bulteau, E., Svenning, J.-C., Dalsgaard, B., Rahbek, C., Davies, R.G. and Sutherland, W. J. 2014. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological sciences, 3 September.(PR) (OA) http://pure.au.dk/portal/files/81316550/Amano_et_al.full.pdf
  3. Rewilding. Fløjgaard, C., Ejrnæs, R., Pedersen., P. B. M. and Svenning., J.C. 2014. In NATUR OG MUSEUM, 53. årgang nr. 4, 2014 ISBN 87-91779-42-1. Naturhistorisk Museum, Aarhus. 


Jens Olesen:

  1. Increasing modularity when downscaling networks from species to individuals. Tur, C., Olesen, J. M. & Traveset, A. 2014 Oikos 000: 001-012. (PR) (OA) http://imedea.uib-csic.es/bc/ecol_terr/all%20pdfs/Tur%20et%20al%20Oikos%202014%20Increasing%20modularity%20when%20downscaling%20networks.pdf 
  2. Assembly of complex plant-fungus networks. Toju, H., Guimaraes, P. R. Jr, Olesen, J. M. & Thompson, J. N. 2014. Nature Communications 5: 5273. (OA) (PR) http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms6273 
  3. The evolution and pollination of oceanic bellflowers (Campanulaceae).  Alarcon, M., Aldasoro, J. J., Roquet, C. & Olesen, J. M. 2014. In Evolutionary Biology: Genome, evolution, speciation, coevolution and origin of life (eds. Pontarotti, P.). Springer. Pp. 301-322. (PR) (OA) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07623-2_14 
  4. Plant colonization across the Galápagos Islands: success of the sea dispersal syndrome. BVargas, P., Nogales, M., Jaramillo, P., Olesen, J. M., Traveset, A. & Heleno, R. 2014. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174: 349-358. (PR)(OA) http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/boj.12142 
  5. Ecological networks: Delving into the architecture of biodiversity. Heleno, R., Traveset, A., Garcia, C., Memmott, J., Cerdeira, J., Gómez, J. M., Moora, M., Blüthgen, N., Jordano, P. & Olesen, J. M. 2014. Biology Letters (PR)(OA) http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2013.1000 
  6. Flower visitation by birds in Europe. Silva, L. P. d., Ramos, J. A., Olesen, J. M., Traveset, A. & Heleno, R. H. 2014. (PR) (OA) Oikos 123: 1377–1383. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/oik.01347 
  7. Spatial structure of an individual-based plant-pollinator network. Dupont, Y. L., Trøjelsgaard, K., Hagen, M., Henriksen, M., Olesen, J. M., Pedersen, N., Kissling, W. D. 2014. Oikos (PR) (OA) http://pure.au.dk/portal/files/76760834/Dupont_etal2014Oikos_individual_network.pdf 
  8. Downscaling pollen-transport networks to the level of individuals. Tur, C., Vigalondo, B., Trøjelsgaard, K., Olesen, J. M. & Traveset, A. 2014. Journal of Animal Ecology 83: 306–317. (PR) (OA) http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.12130 


Meredith Root-Bernstein

  1. Small mammals as indicators of cryptic species diversity in the central Chilean plant endemicity hotspot. Root-Bernstein, M., Bennett, M., Armesto, J., & Ebensperger, L. 2014. Global Ecology and Conservation (GECCO) (PR) (OA) 2, 277-288. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989414000547
  2. Multilinguismo nas ciências ambientais: Ahora ya! Root-Bernstein, M., & Ladle, R. 2014. (Multilingualism in environmental sciences: It's about time!) (PR) (OA) Ambio. Online first. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13280-014-0531-x 
  3. Nostalgia, the fleeting and the rare in Chilean relationships to nature and non human animals.  Society & Animals 22, 560-579. (PR) (OA) http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/15685306-12341348 
  4. Tools for thinking applied to nature provide an inclusive pedagogical framework for environmental education. Root-Bernstein, M., Root-Bernstein, M., & Root-Bernstein, R. 2014. Oryx. 48(4), 584-592. (PR) (OA) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10668-014-9584-z


Heather Swanson:

  1. Shadow Ecologies of Conservation: Co-Production of Salmon Landscapes in Hokkaido, Japan, and southern Chile. In Geoforum. Accepted. (PR) 
  2. To See Once More the Stars: Living in a Post-Fukushima World. Swanson, H.A., Naito, D., Sayre, R., and Takahashi, S. ed. Santa Cruz: New Pacific Press. (PR) 


Colin Hoag:

  1. Water in Lesotho: Contradiction, Disjuncture, Death. In Engagement: Blog of the Anthropology and Environment Society (www.aaanet.org/sections/ae/index.php/category/engagement-blog/), December 1, 2014. (OA)



Popular science publications 2014

Olesen, J. M. 2014. Amazonas mørke jord. Weekendavisen/Sektion Ideer 5. december.

Olesen, J. M. 2014. Farven blå. Weekendavisen/Sektion Ideer 19. september.

Olesen, J. M. 2014. Alkohol er ren økologi. Weekendavisen/Sektion Ideer 4. juli.

Olesen, J. M. 2014. Netværk og agurker med Bourbon whiskey. I 25 søforklaringer. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, sider 148-161.

Olesen, J. M. 2014. Carl, dronten og andre ødyr. Weekendavisen/Sektion Ideer 16 april.

Olesen, J. M. 2014. Bjørnen sover – måske. Weekendavisen/Sektion Ideer 30 januar.

Svenning, J.C. 2014. Plantelivet under pres. In Weekendavisen, September


More than Human: AURA Working Papers vol. 1+2

AURA har i 2014 publiceret to AURA Working Papers i samarbejde med bl.a. Oslo Universitet (OA). De kan læses online:  



Anna Tsing:

  1.  “More-than-human sociality: a call for critical description,” In Kirsten Hastrup, ed. Anthropology and nature, New York: Routledge, pp. 27-42, 2013. http://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?origin=recordpage&zone=relatedDocuments&eid=2-s2.0-84908161365&noHighlight=false&relpos=0
  2.  “Strathern beyond the human: testimony of a spore,” Theory, Culture, and Society  31 (March/May): 221-241, 2014. (PR) http://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84894557508&origin=inward&txGid=0
  3.  “Dancing the matsutake forest,” PAN: Philosophy, Activism, Nature 10: 6-14, 2013 (PR)


Nils Bubandt:


  1. Pigs and profits: hybrids of animals, technology and humans in Danish industrialised farming. / Anneberg, Inger; Vaarst, Mette; Bubandt, Nils. In: Social Anthropology, Vol. 21, No. 4, 11.2013, p. 542-559. (PR)



Jens-Christian Svenning:

  1.  Human impacts drive a global topographic signature in tree cover. Sandel, B. & Svenning, J.-C. 2013. Nature Communications 4:2474. (PR) 
  2.  Spatial optimization of carbon-stocking projects across Africa integrating stocking potential with co-enefits and feasibility. Greve, M., Reyers, B., Lykke, A.M. & Svenning, J.-C. 2013. Nature Communications 4:2975. (PR) 


Jens Olesen:


  1. Strong impact of temporal resolution on an ecological network. Rasmussen, C., Dupont, Y. L., Mosbacher, J. B., Trøjelsgaard, K. & Olesen, J. M. 2013. (OA) PloS ONE 8(12): e81694. (PR) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081694http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchObject.action?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0081694&representation=PDF 
  2. Downscaling pollen-transport networks to the level of individuals. Tur, C., Vigalondo, B., Trøjelsgaard, K., Olesen, J. M. & Traveset, A. Journal of Animal Ecology. (PR) (OA). http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2656.12130/pdf 
  3. Historical climate-change influences modularity of pollination networks.  Dalsgaard, B., Trøjelsgaard, K., Martín A. M. G., Nogués-Bravo, D., Ollerton, J., Petanidou, T., Sandel, B., Schleuning, M., Wang, Z., Rahbek, C., Sutherland, W. J., Svenning, J.–C. & Olesen, J. M. (OA).n (PR)Ecography 36: 001-010: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00201.x/pdf 
  4.  The functional biogeography of species: distributional roles in Wallacea and West Indies. Carstensen, D. W. Dalsgaard, B., Svenning, J.-C., Rahbek, C., Fjeldså, J., Sutherland, W. J. & Olesen, J. M. (OA)(PR) Ecography 36: 1097-1105.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0587.2012.00223.x/pdf
  5.  Island biogeography of mutualistic interaction networks. Trøjelsgaard, K., Báez, M., Espadaler, X., Nogales, M., Oromí, P., La Roche, F. & Olesen, J. M. (OA) (PR). Journal of Biogeography. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jbi.12165/pdf
  6. Investigating plant–pollinator relationships in the Aegean: the approaches of the project POL-AEGIS (The Pollinators of the Aegean Archipelago: Diversity and Threats). Petanidou, T., Ståhls, G., Vujić, A., Olesen, J. M., Rojo, S., Thrasyvoulou, A., Sgardelis, S., Kallimanis, A. S., Kokkini, S. & Tscheulin, T. 2013. (PR) Journal of Apicultural Research 52: 106–117. 
  7. Invaders of pollination networks in the Galápagos Islands: emergence of novel communities. Traveset, A., Heleno, R., Chamorro, S., Vargas, P., MacMullen, C., Castro–Urgal, R., Nogales, M., Herrera, H., & Olesen, J. M. 2013. (PR) Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280: 20123040. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2012.3040 
  8. Heleno, R. H., Olesen, J. M., Nogales, M., Vargas, P. & Traveset, A. 2013. (PR) Seed dispersal networks in the Galápagos and the consequences of alien plant invasions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280: http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2012.2112.
  9. Macroecology of pollination networks. Trøjelsgaard, K. & Olesen, J. M. 2013. (PR) Global Ecology & Biogeography 22: 149-162.
  10. Plant performance in central and northern peripheral populations of the widespread Plantago coronopus. Villellas, J., Ehrlén, J., Olesen, J. M., Braza, R. & García, M. B. 2013. (PR) Ecography 36: 136-145.


Accepted abstract for publication

  1. Swanson, Heather, Tsing, Anna and Bubandt, Nils: “Words and worlds in Anthropocene scholarship” in a special 2015 “Anthropocene” volume of the journal Environment and Society: Advances and Research.