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At this Slow seminar we will be discussing the book by Piers Vitebsky: The Reindeer People: Living With Animals and Spirits in Siberia.
Anthropogenic landscapes, climate change, waves, carbon, futures: the objects at the heart of the Aarhus University Research on the Anthropocene and…
At this Slow Seminar we will be discussing the book "Woodlands".
Methods Workshop with Donna Haraway and Scott Gilbert
This fieldtrip had the participation of guest professors Donna Haraway and Scott Gilbert.
AURA invites to workshop as a followup on The Haraway/Gilbert Lecture October 30.
AURA has invited Donna Haraway (UCSC) and Scott Gilbert (Swarthmore) to come and give an Open Lecture on October 30, 2014. Their research adresses…
Professor in Landscape Planning Kenneth R. Olwig will be giving a talk in Aarhus on October 20.
Professor of Social Anthropology at Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Kyoto University Noboru Ishikawa will be giving a lecture on his work on…
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