Slow Seminar NO. 5: "Discussion of Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan: 'What is Life?'"
We are pleased to invite you to our fifth "Slow Seminar" on Monday, February 10 from 16.30-18.30.
Info about event
Nils Bubandt’s house in Beder
We are pleased to invite you to our fifth "Slow Seminar" on Monday, February 10 from 16.30-18.30. The time is set, so that Anna will be able to participate via Skype.
The seminar will be held at Nils Bubandt’s house in Beder and will be followed by dinner.
We will discuss the book Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan: "What is Life?", University of California Press 1995, so please read it if you plan to attend. The book is available at Stakbogladen, Aarhus University.
Please let us know, if you plan to attend so that Nils can make preparations for dinner.