Slow seminar no 20 with Meredith Root-Bernstein
Interdisciplinarity: Towards problem generation and problem solving?
Info about event
Building 1540, room K33 (basement). Ny munkegade 114, 8000 Aarhus C
AURA is an interdisciplinary project and the Anthropocene itself may be seen as a multidiscplinary object or subject that requires multiple approaches and collaborations. There are many models of interdisciplinarity, perhaps not all equally interesting to all parties, nor all equally generative of interesting questions or new solutions. How do social sciences and environmental sciences work together, and to what end?
Anna Tsing and other scholars abroad will be present via a videoconference connection to UCSC at this AURA Slow seminar no. 20.
Meredith Root-Bernstein, a postdoctoral fellow in biology with AURA, has agreed to lead the workshop, which will focus on “interdisciplinarity,” “problem generating,” and “problem solving." The readings, and Meredith’s introduction to these materials can be obtained by e-mailen Mia Korsbæk
The book Sparks of Genius by Root-Bernstein R & Root-Bernstein MM. is now available for purchase at Stakbogladen.
The book Barry & Born, eds. Interdisciplinarity: Reconfigurations of the Social and Natural Sciences. has been reserved for AURA at the Bioscience Library, Ny Munkegade 118. Please ask for it at the desk.
Finally would you let me know if you are planning to come so we can provide enough coffee and snacks.
We look forward to seeing you there!